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Manufacturers Directory

Our Directory of Electronic Components Manufacturers includes company profiles, a brief history of each company including merger & acquisition activity, an overview of products offered and links to the corporate websites for over 2000 electronic component companies and electronic parts manufacturers from around the world.

You can navigate the directory using the alphanumeric index or page navigation tools shown at the top of each page, or you can simply search for the desired manufacturer's name using the search function below.

Manufacturers Directory

 ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T  UVW  XYZ 0-9
N2Power - QualstarNaina SemiconductorNAiS - Panasonic Electric Works
Nano Pulse Industries - Midcom - WurthNanoAmp SolutionsNanotec
Nanya Technology CorporationNarda Microwave - L3 CommunicationsNATEL Engineering
National Hybrid - NHINational Semiconductor (-> Texas Instruments)Nazomi Communications
nBand CommunicationsNDK - Nihon Dempa KogyoNEC Electronics - Renesas
NEC TokinNEL Frequency ControlsNemco Electronics
Nemic Lambda - TDK-LambdaNeodio TechnologiesNeohm Componenti
NeoMagicNeoParadigm LabsNeoPhotonics
NEOSIDNetChip Technology - PLX TechnologyNetcom
Netergy Networks - 8x8NetLogic Microsystems - BroadcomNetMos Technology - MosChip
NetSilicon - Digi InternationalNeuricamNeutrik AG
New England Semiconductor - MicrosemiNew Jersey SemiconductorNew Korea Electronics
New Vista CorporationNewbridge Microsystems - Tundra - IDTNewport Components - C and D Technologies - Murata PS
Newtec DisplayNexFlash Technologies - WinbondNGK Insulators
NIC ComponentsNichia CorporationNichicon
NicomaticNidec Copal ElectronicsNidec Power General
Nihon Inter Electronics - NIECNiko Semiconductor - Niko-SemNingbo Foryard Optoelectronics
Nippon Chemi-Con - United Chemi-ConNippon Precision Circuits - NPCNissei Electronic - Koito Mfg - Aoitec
NJRC - New Japan Radio CompanyNKK Micro Devices - FujistuNKK Switches
NMB TechnologiesNogatech - Zoran - CSRNoise Com - Wireless Telecom Group
Noisewave CorporationNorComp - EDAC AmericaNordic VLSI - Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Noritake CompanyNorth Hills Signal ProcessingNovacap
Novatek MicroelectronicsNTE ElectronicsNTT Electronics - NEL
Numonyx - MIcronNuova Mistral - Diotec SemiconductorNVE Corporation
NXP Semiconductors
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